Friday, March 22, 2013

A New Year

Our new year had a great start!  Grandma stayed and played for the first week.;)

On the 11th, our little angels turned 4 months old.:)

Weight: 8 lbs. 3 oz.  (less than 1%, less than 1% adjusted)
Height: 20.5 inches (less than 1%, less than 1% adjusted)
Head: 15.5 inches (less than 1%, 54% adjusted)

Weight:10 lbs. 14 oz. (less than 1% )
Height: 23.3 inches (less than 1% )
Head: 16 inches (14% )

Here are a few sweet pictures from the rest of our month.:)

I love these sweet gowns from my mom.
"For this child I have prayed..."

I love this sweet picture.  They were getting some snuggles from Daddy at the pulmonologists' office.

This picture makes me laugh...Katherine LOVES bath time!
I snapped this screenshot one morning during FaceTime with Grandpa.  We started most mornings with FaceTime with Grandpa singing them a "Good Morning" song. It melts my heart.;) Katherine was clearly mesmerized by it all.:)

Enjoying some play time on their mat...
I caught a sweet smile on camera...
My sweet friend Carrie made these onesies for them... LOVE! I think it's cute how Kaden is "pushing" her out of the way.:)
I think I'll need more of these in many sizes!!!  Love these two little munchkins!:)

Sweet Katherine,
There are no words to express how much we love you!  You are such a sweet little girl!  You have started smiling so much this month and we love every second of it! You have discovered so many things that you love this month.  You love baths, sitting in your Bumbo, and grabbing toys.  Mornings are your favorite time. In fact, we think you'd start your day around 3 a.m. every day if we let you!:)  You are SO happy when we come get you each morning out of your crib.  You have found your hands and you think they are pretty cool.  You are getting SO strong. You are a pro at holding up your head.  Every day, you do something new!  We love you!

Mama and Daddy

Sweet Kaden, 
You LOVE to cuddle!  When we hold you, you just smile and coo the whole time.  We never want to put you down! You are VERY laid back and content most of the time.  Just like your sister, you are doing a great job holding up your head.  We have started noticing that your hair is really starting to look red.  We both have "redheads" in our family, so we can't wait to see if you will be one too! You love your hands and you LOVE your pacifier! Our favorite thing that you have started doing this month is holding your sisters' hand.  When you are next to her, you always reach for it.  When you are nursing, you always reach across and grab her hand and you hold it the entire time.  It never fails to melt mama's heart...We love that you love your sister. We love you little very much.

Mama and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Omg... They are so sweet and I'm so happy for you! Not sure if its just me, but kaden looks just like daddy and Katherine looks just like mommy :0)
